17.2 Update Series

**Version 17.2.1**

- Camera options have been moved to a new stand alone section of the F10 options screen under GUI. PLEASE NOTE: If you have a custom GUI you should restore defaults prior to patching to ensure the options appear correctly

- Toggle added for switching on and off Vertical movement on Right Mouse button

- Resolved issue with vertical camera position not resetting to its previous position after collision with world geometry

- Inverted Mouselook option should be working again correctly

- Resolved issue with selected targets with the mouse cursor

- Resolved issue with not gaining Loyalty points correctly when leaving battlestation

- Resolved issue with the tombstones in the Inferno quests

- Dreadloch Sniper's Friend is now equipable in an additional slot

- All the military bosses should now have the correct boss corpse timer

- Resolved issue with Shift-V closing the vehicle menu

- Resolved issue with the auto-facing being too sensitive

- Corrected text on Perk retrain screen to not mention 'in game' time as the reset timer is in real time.

- Dreadloch Damage Amplifier should now be equipable correctly.

**Version 17.2**

- New Boss Encounters

- Five new Clan boss camps for Omni Players to tackle.

- Five new Omni boss camps for Clan Players to take on.

- Neutral players will be able to fight all of the bosses.

- New Missions will be available that offer rewards for taking down these bosses and their cohorts.

- The military units have been stockpiling new shipments of unique Dreadloch weapons and items that players will be able to secure from defeated bosses.

- New items for purchase with Victory Points.

- New OFAB Helmets that use a new defensive proc system. Wearing the item grants an inherent % chance every time you are hit that casts a short defensive buff.

- New AMS / DMS transfer nanos for Traders.

- Extension of the divest and plunder lines for Traders.

- New damage and healing debuff nanos for Meta-Physicists.

- New Shield nano for Meta-Physicists.

- New PVP orientated version of nano shutdown for Meta-Physicists.

- New init debuff nanos for Bureaucrats.

- New sign-up terminals for the battlestations placed out to make it easier for people to sign up for the battlestations. The new terminals are found at the following locations:

- Levels 20-49 Borealis (Main gate).

- Levels 50-74 Borealis (rear gate).

- Levels 75-99 Newland (near whompas).

- Levels 100-124 Newland (Near front gate).

- Levels 125-149 Outside Newland.

- Levels 150-174 Outside Newland.

- Levels 175-199 ICC.

- Levels 200-209 Unicorn Landing pad.

- Levels 210-220 Unicorn Landing pad.

- Tweaked the way the queue system works to ensure more consistently even sides in the battlestation.

- Added a loyalty system to lock out people from the battlestation if they continually refuse invites or leave before the end of the battle you will get locked out from the battlestation.

- All players start with a loyalty score of 10.

- Receiving a battlestation invitation deducts your loyalty score by one.

- Completing a battlestation (win or lose) adds two to your loyalty score, up to a maximum of 10.

- If your loyalty score reaches 0 you will not be able to enter the battlestation queue.

- A duty mission will be available to increase your loyalty level again if it falls to 0. Rumors that it may involve picking up trash in Borealis may not be unfounded.

- Improved the existing Meta-Physicist damage debuff nano line

- Casting time reduced to 2sec.

- Taunt reduced on primary line.

- Taunt removed on secondary line.

- Reduced Nano Cost.

- Nano Resist checks reduced.

- Personal Research Actions Procs are no longer dependent on initiative type.

- Proc based nano lines in different stacking lines should now be able to run at the same time.

- The Beast encounter in the Shadowlands will be moved from its current eighteen hour timer to a nine hour one.

- The Perk reset timer will be reduced to two hours.

- New camera functionality

- Added option sliders for mouse look rotation and zoom speeds for camera movement.

- Suir-Katan, The Custodian should now be spawning correctly for the omni inferno sanctuary quest.

- Adjusted stats on Ofab Bureaucrat Helmet and Chest

- Pet window should no longer show attack button for heal pets after having been out of range.

- The notum animations on the Shadowlands incarnators has returned. The Shadowleets who stole it have been suitably punished.

- Grid amour face textures should no longer showing through helmet after equipping.

- Skin tone in character creation should now correctly update with head.

- Resolved issue where people could teleport to Rubi-Ka but have the battlestation skydome visible.

- Fixed color issue in text for Return to Scouting Panorama quest.

- Resolved typos in the dialog of Dr. Jones - Physical Anthropologist.

- Tessa Stewart will now let players get both her missions instead of just one.

- Adjusted collision in Central Elysium that was trapping the Limber Dryad.

- Engineers Offensive Aura Line should now include Cold ACs correctly instead of chemical ACs twice