17.0 Update Series

**Version 17.05**

- Trader Personal Research procs should now fire correctly on their intended targets

- MP Personal Research proc debuffs should no longer affect character sheets incorrectly and should time out correctly

- Agent Type 1 Personal research actions shouldn't clash with their proc based nanolines PLEASE NOTE: In order for this change to work Type 1 actions for Agents only proc on ranged attacks

- Trader Type 1 Personal Research actions shouldn't clash with the Accumulator perk actions PLEASE NOTE: In order for this change to work Type 1 actions for Traders only proc on ranged attacks

- Keeper Type 1 Personal Research actions shouldn't clash with their proc based nanolines PLEASE NOTE: In order for this change to work Type 1 actions for keepers only proc on melee attacks

- Bureaucrat Personal Research proc social services should no longer stun you and / or your team

**Version 17.0.4**

- Type 1 and Type 2 research actions will now run side by side correctly

- Bureaucrat personal research actions should no longer stun yourself and or your team-mates

- Trader personal research actions should now function correctly and buff the Trader as appropriate

- Thermal Reprieve and Layered Amnesty no longer require a hostile target to activate

- Anatomic Blight will no longer effect the character sheet of the caster incorrectly and time out and stack correctly on it's target

- Muscular Malaise will no longer effect the character sheet of the caster incorrectly and time out and stack correctly on it's target

- Astringent will no longer effect the character sheet of the caster incorrectly and time out and stack correctly on it's target

- Durable Bandages should now heal yourself and not your target

- Splinter Preservation is now correctly an absorb shield

- Ego strike should now proc correctly when using melee weapons

- Thermal Reprieve will no longer overwrite the wrong type of research proc buff when it refreshes

- Regain Focus now has the correct duration of 60 seconds

- Penultimate Metaphysicist Body Armor now has an appropriate stamina bonus compared to the lesser versions

- Improved OFAB Adventurer Gloves now have the correct expansion requirements

- Resolved several client crashes

- Fixed various spelling errors in the personal research descriptions

**Version 17.0.3**

- Victory points for the Battlestations have been substantially increased.

- The difficulty of mobs in the alien mothership missions have been balanced better.

- Personal Research actions should now land on the correct targets.

- Personal Research actions should now no longer fail to time out.

- Personal Research actions have been changed so that they should now work with any initiative type, meaning they are no longer restricted to one of ranged, melee or fists but work regardless of what weapon is being used.

- Meta Physicist personal research actions are now in game correctly and using their correct procs.

- Personal Research actions should now match their descriptions for all professions.

- Pelisse of Elysian Nymph should now display correctly on Solitus males

- You are no longer able to use Orbital Strikes in Shadowlands

- OFAB Shark MK6 has been improved

- OFAB Silverback Mk 6 has been improved

- OFAB Hawk MK6 Has had its skill requirements reduced

- OFAB Tiger Mk6 has had its skill requirements reduced

**Version 17.0.2**

- Resolved several client crashes

- Updated personal research actions (please see update on personal research action progress "here":http://forums.anarchy-online.com/showthread.php?t=477415 )

**Version 17.0.1**

- Alien Mothership missions now offer different levels of difficulty.

- Personal Research Actions now run as friendly nanos as they should, meaning they should no longer proc on the wrong target.

- Fixed text errors on Personal Research Actions where the perk and the nano displayed in the NCU did not match.

- Removed high NCU costs from some research actions that was blocking casting.

- Removed cast and recharge times on the Martial Artists research actions.

- Martial Artist research actions should now stack correctly.

- Resolved issue with Global Research not updating correctly in all zones.

- Added better feedback messages when you cant perform an action in or against a mech

- Fixed a visual issue with Alien Mothership environmental GFX 'popping' in and out of view.

- Fixed issue where research and vehicle options would appear in the GUI for players without Lost Eden

- Added help files to vehicle and research interfaces.

- Added tooltip for research and vehicle buttons.

- Resolved several client crashes.

**17.0 Update Notes**

**Lost Eden Expansion**

The expansion content is now available on the live dimensions. Please see the following FAQS on the forums for some answers about the expansion content and how to access it

- "Alien Mothership Missions":http://forums.anarchy-online.com/showthread.php?t=473775

- "Battlestations":http://forums.anarchy-online.com/showthread.php?t=473765

- "Victory Points":http://forums.anarchy-online.com/showthread.php?t=473768

- "Research Systen":http://forums.anarchy-online.com/showthread.php?t=473750

- "Global Research":http://forums.anarchy-online.com/showthread.php?t=473758

- "Personal Research Actions":http://forums.anarchy-online.com/showthread.php?t=473772

- "Notum Wars Additions":http://forums.anarchy-online.com/showthread.php?t=473814

**Update Notes**

- Battlestation PVP now activated. Visit the Unicorn landing pad in Andromeda to access the sign up terminal.

- Alien Mothership Missions now active, visit the Unicorn Recruiter in the Outlands Staging Area to access the missions.

- Personal and Global Research Systems are now active. Research system can be found in the new character menu option in the left hand menu (or by pressing shift+o, NOTE: if you have a first time install the default key to open the GUI is 'R' since this is set to 'use' for existing players we have set it up on shift+o as well and players can edit their options as required)

- Victory Point system is now active

- Victory Point vendors added to the Tower Shops

- New Lost Eden vehicle system is now active. The vehicle menu can be brought up from the left hand menu (or by pressing shift+v)

- Bombing raids and orbital strikes now available to organisations. Laser Tags can be purchased from Victory Points vendors and the control panels have been added to the organisation HQ command room.

- Notum Wars Land Control SAM Battery now available. Having a SAM battery active in your tower field gives a 50% chance of shooting down any called air raid on your land control area.

- Left mouse button camera movement enabled

- Full IPR now available, see option in the context menu (i in the top left) of the skill view to enable the reset.